Reading Books
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Krishna explains that there is nothing in this world as sublime as transcendental knowledge. When Srila Prabhupada spoke into his dictaphone and translated the timeless wisdom of the Vedas, Lord Krishna and the great teachers spoke through him. That spiritual sound was then transformed into the printed word, and is now readily available to us all.
When we read Srila Prabhupada’s books, we are not alone. Krishna and His illustrious devotees are right there with us, and as we turn the pages, we become infused with insight, inspiration and faith. Even professors and scholars have appreciated Srila Prabhupada’s books. Dr. Garry Gelade, a lecturer at Oxford University’s Department of Philosophy, wrote of them: “These texts are to be treasured. No one of whatever faith or philosophical persuasion who reads these books with an open mind can fail to be moved and impressed.” Here is a rough guideline of how to progress through the library of Srila Prabhupada’s books:
Level One
Foundational philosophical understanding
Perfection of Yoga
Chant and Be Happy Perfect Questions Perfect Answers Raja Vidya: King of Knowledge
Level Two
Detailed philosophical understanding
Science of Self Realisation Journey of Self-discovery Bhagavad-gita
Sri Isopanisad
Level Three
Practice of bhakti-yoga
Nectar of Instruction
Nectar of Devotion
Level Four
Relationship with Sri Krishna & Srila Prabhupada
Krishna Book
Prabhupada: your Ever Well- wisher
Level Five
Graduate Study
Teachings of Lord Chaitanya
Level Six
Teachings of Lord Chaitanya
Srila Prabhupada’s disciples have also written and translated many valuable books which can enrich our understanding. It is recommended to read the majority of Srila Prabhupada’s books first, in order to get a strong foundational knowledge before reading these books. Thereafter, one will be better positioned to understand, appreciate and value other contributions.
As with chanting, it’s best to read daily, either a certain number of pages or for a certain amount of time. We can make a thorough study, noting interesting or difficult passages, or we can simply read our way through, confident of our spiritual purification. It’s a good idea to offer respects to Krishna and His representatives before we begin reading. We can pray that the words we read will penetrate our heart and transform our character.
Srila Prabhupada explains that besides reading, we should discuss spiritual topics with others. This is actually the best way to assimilate knowledge. There are courses at the temple and organised study groups in local areas. We should take advantage of these opportunities to deepen our knowledge and understanding.